1000 Shades of Grey
Friday, May 06, 2005
No sleep till Erewash
So. Very exciting. Peter Snow. With his swingometer. Jumping about. Showing us. Where. Our votes were going. Breathless. With excitement. And talking. In a staccato fashion.

And that was just after Sunderland South had come in.

Always enjoy election night coverage on the TV. Perhaps it's because I've only been entitled to vote since 1997, but for whatever reason I was glued to the TV last night. Cheering every time a Lib Dem got in, and at one stage worrying that Michael Howard might actually have lurked his way in to Government.

There's something bizarrely mesmeric about a swingometer. I don't know what it is, but I can't help but be transfixed as Peter Snow prances about talking about hypothetical events, and making predictions based on an exit poll and a handful of results.

Still, I stayed with it well into the early morning, waiting to make sure that my neighbours hadn't been so stupid as to vote for Kilroy or the astonishingly short Tory candidate.

They weren't.

I'm not saying our current MP is doing a marvellous job – (Sounds like the start of a bad mother-in-law joke) and I disagree with how she voted on many of the key issues, but at least she isn't old leather face.

That said, having been told to expect the result at 2.30 I was wilting badly when it finally arrived at 3.50am.

Suffice to say that getting up for work this morning was something of a struggle, and I might as well have hooked myself up to an intravenous tea drip.

However, I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

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