1000 Shades of Grey
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Funny How?
In the film Goodfellas, Joe Pesci switches from joker to psycho in a second, with his Funny How? Funny like a clown? Tirade.
It's a wonderful speech, delivered brilliantly.
Recently, I've been pondering my own attempts at humour. Whilst aspiring to write comically about my life I appear to have morphed into some sort of Jonny B-lite, which was never my intention. Firstly because what works well for one writer, may not work so well for another, and secondly because I could never live up to him, so any efforts in a similar vein would rightly be derided as not very good.
The other thing I've noticed is that broadly all my best internet humour is left as a comment on someone else's blog, e.g. the comment I left for Jill Twiss, which apparently made her laugh out loud, such was its humorous beauty.
I think this is because I work well riffing on someone else's ideas far better than I develop my own. It's not a criticism of myself (although it probably isn't advisable for me to book myself in as a one-man show in the Edinborough Festival), merely an observation about how my mind works.
The problem is how to translate that into witty blog postings that retain a degree of personality whilst also raising the odd smile. How I answer that one, I’m not quite sure, but it could be both fun and painful to find out.
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