1000 Shades of Grey
Monday, May 17, 2004
End of the Piers show
So Piers Morgan has gone. Presumably he'll find another job, either in the press, or quite possibly on TV. Reading Inspector Sands insightful views on the subject it does seem slightly galling that people who oppose the current war are slowly being removed from power, but the idiots in charge of the whole thing get to keep their jobs on both sides of the Atlantic, despite countless atrocities being committed.

If John Kerry had any charisma George W might be worried. Similarly, if Michael Howard didn't look quite so smug and sinister I think Tony might have a few more concerns. Sadly I can't see a change in government likely any time soon, and can only hope that Gordon Brown can oust Tony to at least freshen up politics in this country. Currently the whole thing feels stale and is tainted by a number of scandals (The David Kelly Affair being the most obvious).

If someone could also explain to me how Geoff Hoon is still in a job, I'd be fascinated to find out. As far as I can tell, he's achieved nothing positive, but refuses to bite the bullet when his department stuffs up. Even Steven Byers went eventually.

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